Friday, February 4, 2011

Waste water systems.

I am a little bit behind this month with my blog. A lot of interesting stuff happening at the moment that has taken my attention away from it.

I am putting together some keynote presentations to try and hopefully get a really good Finnish foundation WOIMA-Säätiö - (Use google translate to get the English version), interested in helping us put together a seminar in natural gray and black water management systems here in Finland. Its been really interesting and I have spoken with people in about 5 different countries. I have gone through willow plantations to concrete walls with drawers that hold plantlife in them, to brilliant wetpark systems to regular sand filtration systems. I have also been looking at so many different toilet systems and compost systems,(more of that in my other blog post). I didn't know that there were so many different companies creating these. Its been a really interesting few weeks of research, and every system was well thought out and well planned. It makes me think that the world is changing for the better. It is becoming easier to search and find the natural things you need for your home.
I remember 6 years ago when we built our home here in Finland, searching the internet with my wife Charlotta and trying to get hold of natural paints and pigments, or ecological wools, water systems and it was difficult. Hence the reason I began the Natural Building Company with my friends. We thought we have to make it easier for others to get good products and advice and services. The journey so far has been amazing.

Below are some fantastic links to different sites on water treatments. I especially like the ones using willow plantations by Peder Gregersen in Denmark and Folke Günthers ideas from Sweden. Please take a closer look and if you have any more systems that you know of please let me know. There are many more but I especially liked these two.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Paul,

    Wonderfull to see this statement... I really want to get into this issues. The thing is that i need practice. Maybe some reading also. I already knew one wetpark website. Funny! I am just waiting the time to move on a natural building experience...
